Monday, November 7, 2011

Just to Remember

Just a few thoughts so I don't forget. (These are totally for me so "sorry for my many readers!")
Sat, Oct. 29, 2011- Averie goes mobile! Started crawling and Mason has already realized this is not good for him and his lineup of cars!
Mason loved trick or treating this year! And was so proud of himself for remembering to say thank you! Cutest scarecrow ever! He was, however, more interested in looking at the animals at the ZooBoo than actual trick or treating. And on a plane home from Texas, he wanted Mom to draw a picture of a trick-or-tree! Too sweet!
We have also started potty training- I know, finally!! Bribed with M & Ms and stickers, he did okay on Sat, with only- only?- 3 accidents, off on Sun, and then went by himself at school on Mon! And then no accidents Mon night! We started with him sitting on the toiled, but he said he preferred standing so we've created the Honey Nut Pee Game! (Aiming for Honey Nut Cheerios in the toilet! So far it works!)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Football 2011 Kickoff

We are SO excited football season is here! Of course this household all sported our green and gold! Go, PACK, Go!

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Sunday, August 7, 2011

More Masonisms

OMG...2 blogs in one week. That's a record!

Mason lovesLOVES motorcycles! He will be telling me a story in the car and as soon as he sees on, he gets so excited and can barely contain himself. Conversations usually goes likes this:

Oh my goodness! A motorcycle!! Just like Papa's motorcycle, but it's not. His motorcycle's at home. He's wearing a helmet. Good job motorcycle man. That is awesome!

Tonight after saying this, Dave repeated, "that is super awesome" to which Mason replied, "Not super awesome, just awesome!" So true, little man, so true!