A year ago right now, I snuck into this little boy's room, and pretty much cried. We were due to have Averie the next morning and I was just terrified I was ruining his world. I was afraid he wouldn't feeled loved or that he was important or be the happy little man he had been as the only child for a year and a half. I prayed that he wouldn't hate me or his new little sister.
Apparently I didn't have to worry too much. He is such an amazing little boy and I still can't get enough of him. Everyday he amazes me more and more. He is so content playing trains or cars or whatever by himself, but still will jump at the chance to play with Dave or me. (He tries playing with Averie, but she doesn't quite get it yet!) When he is done playing with you, he'll just tell you, "You can go now!" but in a totally sweet, I didn't just get dissed by a 2 yr old, manner!
He has such a vast vocabulary and processing method. During a conversation with my stepdad about Jesus and why God sent him to us (they got really deep), my stepdad said that not everyone gets to go to Heaven. Mason responded, "That's a big bummer." Out of the mouths of babes! Sometimes he surprises me with what comes out and how much he understands (sometimes it scares me a bit! Not sure if I will be able to always argue with this logical little dude!)
He absolutely adores his little sister. Every morning before he gets up, he moves all his animals (and yes, he has several large ones that sleep above his head) and his blanket to the far end so that there "is room for Averie." He loves to hug her, sometimes a bit too hard, and give her toys to play with, sometimes all over! (Of course, now that she is shuffling and standing up, he also is getting frustrated with her tearing and taking his toys! You can't win them all) I love that he tries to calm her if she is whining by rubbing her head and saying, "it's okay baby girl" Almost makes me wish for her to whine more!! (ALMOST!)
I am so absolutely blessed and grateful to be Mason's mom. There is no other little boy like him. He has so many quirks that I love- did you notice Scooby and Puss in Boots on the pillow beside him? They have to be in that exact place every night! He's a bit OCD and likes his room especially clean and will not go to sleep with out it that way! (Not sure where he got that from, since the rest of the house is never in order!)
I am pretty sure I could go on and on about Mason, but I won't today. I'll wait until his next bday (kills me that he's about to be 3). Instead I will rest until my blog tomorrow about the big birthday girl!
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